"Of all our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language."   ~Walt Disney

I was an "old school" shooter who reluctantly transitioned to digital back in the day. The old Canon AT-1 is still on my bookshelf as a fond reminder of world travels , I enjoy the challenge of taking in a scene, waiting for the light, the underwater subjects, or wildlife behaviors to just do their thing.  It's not necessarily about the photos but the experience in nature while hiking or diving or enjoying horses.

My prints have been published in national and local publications but  my biggest joy is just sharing the images. My photo, “Reflections,” won the USA Today/Discover America.com’s “Picture America” national photo contest. As a result, this image has been published in multiple venues and sold across the U.S. to various collectors.  It was also licensed to Pumpernickel Press Greeting Cards.

Note: Unless specified, most subjects in the Wildlife portfolio are shot under controlled conditions.